Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Introducing: Notes, new colored paths and link to another design file

The Botsociety team worked hard to release new features that would enable you and your team to collaborate more effectively using our platform.

Now you can leave a note on your canvas, pick new colors for your paths, and even link to another design file!

Leave a note, share a thought

A note being added to a canvas with a gif mentioning ˜Review this˜

A note is added to a canvas with a gif mentioning ˜Review this˜. You can move notes around and resize it to fit your needs.

Add notes to your canvas to share thoughts, notations, images, or even a direct link for external documentation or file. With notes, you can add comments to empower your team`s communication flow. To try it, right-click on your canvas and click on add a Note.

New colored connections (and new color picker)

Changing the color of a path from blue to red by selecting a color in the new color picker.

Changing the color of a path from blue to red by selecting a color in the new color picker. You just need to mouse over a path and an option to change the color will show up.

Now you can pick colors for connections between paths. By doing that, you can help your team to have visual communication and understanding about your project. How does that work? Select any color for your connections, you can say that red is for repair paths, yellow for small talks, and you get the idea… There are many possibilities and we added a new color picker with few options already. So you don`t need to worry too much about the colors and you can focus on design your conversations. Try it out!

Link to another design file

A path being connected to a different design file.

A path is being connected to a different design file. Once you click to connect to Another Design, you will be asked which design file to be connected.

We all have been there, changing tabs or having a hard time reading a flow with many connections. Now you can directly link your flows with another design file. This can be helpful if you have a big design flow and want to break it down to make things easier for everyone. For example, you can have a file listing intents and another one with a different subject matter. It’s pretty cool and you can try it now!

If you want to try it out these new features yourself, sign up on Botsociety here.



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