Friday 21 May 2021

How to Grow on IG: 30 Topgrowth Instagram Tools That Work in 2021

If you’re looking to Topgrowth Instagram tools to grow your Instagram following, you’re not alone.

The Instagram algorithm is complex, and with over 1 billion active users present on the app, it’s hard for new businesses and influencers to get noticed. 

Tools like Topgrowth promise a quick and easy way to get followers and likes at the start of your Instagram presence. They offer to sell you large numbers of followers and likes, delivered right away, or over a short period of time. 

The idea is that after you have an established following, organic followers will show up on their own. 

But will they? How does Topgrowth work to grow your Instagram audience and reach, anyway?

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about top-growth on Instagram, including: 

Let’s kick it off.


Get more Instagram followers with new tools for influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses. Sign up to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

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What is the Instagram algorithm? 

The Instagram algorithm is a complex series of signals that the Instagram app uses to figure out what each user wants to see.

It’s based on hundreds of factors, so explaining it in detail would take…a while. 

(Instagram officially breaks it down in their article “Constrained Exploration System.” Between you and me, that title makes me want to break down.)

In a nutshell, Instagram looks at the accounts you follow, ranks them based on how often you engage with those accounts, and then uses your past activity to show you the best posts. 

An image showing what Instagram uses to determine its algorithm.

Source: Instagram itself

So if you want people to notice you, all you have to do is produce good content and get likes and follows, right?

Well yes, but actually no.

Getting Instagram famous is a snowball effect. If you commit to posting regularly, and if you interact with your existing followers, you’ll slowly gain followers and likes over time.

And if you believe your business success is riding on getting a ton of followers right now, it’s easy to see why Topgrowth Instagram tools look like a good alternative to waiting around forever.

The problem is that the Instagram algorithm is VERY complex. It doesn’t just favor accounts with large amounts of followers and likes. 

Instead, it takes an in-depth look at follower activity to determine what to show people. It’s very important to Instagram that your followers are real, and that they know you. 

More than that, the number of followers you have isn’t even the #1 factor that Instagram uses to boost you in the algorithm!

So what gives? What is Instagram looking for?

What behavior does the Instagram algorithm reward?

When Instagram tries to figure out whose content to prioritize, it looks to its “Big 3.”

These factors are:

  1. Interest
  2. Timeliness
  3. Relationship
An image of Instagram’s Big 3: Interest, Timeliness, Relationship.

Source: TechCrunch

“Interest” means that Instagram will use users’ past behavior to predict what they want to see next. 

“Timeliness” means that Instagram will show you more recent posts, as opposed to older posts.

“Relationship” is the kicker here. The more often you and another user interact, the more often you’ll see their posts in your feeds.

This includes follows and likes — but it also includes comments, DMs (direct messages), and tags.

When it comes down to it, follows and likes are the low-hanging fruit of Instagram. Organic comments and DMs are what you actually need to get a boost within the algorithm.

But organic outreach is hard to do, which is why buying followers through tools like Topgrowth is so common. If it doesn’t work, then what’s the strategy behind these tools?

What is the strategy behind Topgrowth Instagram tools?

The strategy behind tools like Topgrowth is simple: although follows and likes aren’t the main thing Instagram looks for when it ranks content, they do factor in.

Here’s the thing, though: Buying followers is easy. Getting organic engagement is hard.

That said, you should be very careful when engaging with bots that promise instant followers and likes. 

Instagram prioritizes real content, so if it figures out that you’re buying followers or using bots to like massive amounts of photos in short amounts of time, it can shadow-ban your account.

“Shadow-ban” means that your content won’t show up for anyone who isn’t already following you. Yikes.

So, if you’re looking to speed up your Instagram growth without risking getting shadow-banned, here are 30 tools you can use.

We’ve broken down these tools by category. Check it out:

1. Topgrowth

Topgrowth homepage screenshot

Topgrowth is an Instagram growth tool that sells followers and likes. It promises its users 100% real and organic followers, although the site doesn’t make it clear how Topgrowth does this.

We don’t recommend buying followers, although we do see the appeal. That’s because Instagram is getting more and more savvy to bot activity, and buying followers can put you at risk of being shadow-banned.

If the Instagram algorithm recognizing shutting you down isn’t bad enough, real users are also savvy to bot activity.

There are several signs that indicate someone has bought followers: 

  • Someone who follows over 1,500 people 
  • An account that has millions of followers, but hardly any posts and/or likes
  • Spammy and/or irrelevant comments on the user’s posts

All of these are hallmarks of fake followers, and if you’re using a tool like Topgrowth, there’s really no way to keep these signs from showing up.

Brands especially do not like it if they suspect an influencer is using fake followers. After all, brands pay influencers to expose their product to real people. 

According to a report from Backlinko, fake followers cost brands around $1.3 billion in 2019. That’s a lot of money. 

Tools like Topgrowth do try to get you real followers, but with 95 million bot accounts on Instagram, buying 100% real followers is never a guarantee. And brands want to know that their sponsorships are in good (real) hands.

Suffice it to say, if you’re an Instagram creator trying to get brand sponsorships, accidentally buying fake followers could really, really hurt you.

2. MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey homepage screenshot

The thing is, it’s not like people hate bots. People hate bots that pretend to be humans.

Instead of selling fake followers and likes, MobileMonkey uses chatbot software to engage with the real followers you already have. 

When you use MobileMonkey’s Instagram tools, your followers know they’re engaging with bots — for a purpose. Our bots allow your followers to get instant information from your brand without driving your real-life social media manager insane. Plus, they’re pretty cool to play with.

You don’t need a huge following to get started…having even a handful of devoted followers is enough. 

And remember how Instagram looks to comments and DMs to figure out if your account is getting real engagement or not? 

MobileMonkey’s Instagram tools increase the number of quality comments and DMs on your account…and boost you within the algorithm.

For example, you can set up a Comment Guard to automatically DM anyone who comments on your post with a pre-set keyword. It’ll look something like this:

A gif showing off MobileMonkey’s Comment Guard feature.

You can also encourage your followers to direct message you for a special freebie or discount. When they do, MobileMonkey’s Auto-Reply Bot directs them right into your marketing funnel.

A demonstration of MobileMonkey’s Auto-Reply Bot.

To try it out for yourself, hop over to our Instagram profile, click “Message,” and say hi! (Mobile devices only.)

If you’re interested in trying out our limited Instagram beta tools, apply here.

3. Mr. Insta

Mr. Insta homepage screenshot

Like Topgrowth, Mr. Insta offers a guaranteed number of followers based on how much you pay.

All your new followers are Mr. Insta users, who are also growing their following using the follow4follow method. (This means you follow back everyone who follows you.)

The problem with the follow4follow method is that it’s not based on actual interest. Instagram and other social media platforms are savvy to this, so it can stunt your growth in the long run.

That said, Mr. Insta does have a free option, so if you’re looking for followers fast, it could be worth a try. 

4. SocialCaptain 

SocialCaptain homepage screenshot

SocialCaptain promises real engagement on your Instagram account, although its site doesn’t make it clear how this happens.

You can enter the number of likes, followers, and views that you want, and SocialCaptain charges you based on that.

It looks like one follower costs $0.01. Sounds like a deal, although it does make you wonder how SocialCaptain gets people to follow you for only 1 cent each. 

5. Bigbangram 

Bigbangram homepage screenshot

Bigbangram is a six-in-one tool. It can:

  1. Automatically like, follow, comment, and watch Instagram Stories
  2. Unfollow users to keep your account looking quality
  3. Auto-DM users (although the website doesn’t make it clear how)
  4. Generate good hashtags to use
  5. Generate new fonts
  6. Schedule your Instagram posts.

It’s difficult to find pricing on the Bigbangram site, but SaaSworthy reports that it starts at $1.00.

Some Instagram bots sell you their automatic like-and-follow methods rather than guaranteeing, say, 100 real followers. Most products similar to Topgrowth Instagram tools fall under this category.

This is slightly more trustworthy, since organic growth tools can never honestly promise a set number of followers. Followers are people, after all, not poker chips. 

That said, be aware that Instagram users are getting more and more savvy to what like-and-follow bot activity looks like, which can hurt your reputation.

(Bots tend to leave likes too quickly and comments too late. If your photos are insta-liked or if you get vague comments on weeks-old posts, that’s probably a bot.)

6. SocialMeep 

SocialMeep homepage screenshot

SocialMeep promises fast, organic growth by using bots to interact with accounts that have a high likelihood of following you back. 

Like Mr. Insta, it has a free plan. Unlike Topgrowth, it doesn’t promise a specific number of followers per purchase, since its methods are rooted in organic growth.

SocialMeep’s Basic Plan starts at $49/month.

7. Combin 

Combin homepage screenshot

On Combin, you can pick a demographic to target. Combin’s bot software then interacts with accounts that fit this group, which can get you noticed by people in your target market.

This tool also helps you manage your newfound audience, unfollow accounts that don’t follow you back, and schedule your posts and Stories.

The Starter tier is free, while the Personal tier is $15/month.

8. Instamber

Instamber homepage screenshot

Instamber is another tool that grows your Instagram following with the follow-unfollow, auto-like, and auto-comment methods.

This tool also offers bots for Twitter and TikTok as well as Instagram.

Instamber prices its tools based on what you want to do. Its Instagram bot is currently listed at $15/month.

9. AiGrow 

AiGrow homepage screenshot

AiGrow also lets you target and engage with your target market. Like Combin, it also offers management and scheduling tools.

What’s interesting about AiGrow is that it also has a feature to auto-DM your followers a coupon code after they share one of your posts. The webpage about this feature seems to be broken, but rewarding your followers for engaging with your account is not a bad strategy.

In fact, MobileMonkey’s Instagram Story Auto Reply to Mentions lets you thank your followers for the mention. Then, you can offer them a reward.

The difference is that MobileMonkey’s tools let your followers opt-in before receiving any promo messages. Also, you can use our tools to craft a larger chatbot marketing funnel instead of simply sending a promo code and hoping for the best. 

MobileMonkey’s auto-reply to mentions tool.

If you’re looking for auto-DMs only, AiGrow’s DM Starter service starts at $29/month. 

But, if you’re looking for human assistance, they also offer a Pro-Managed service starting at $199/month.

10. Instazood

Instazood homepage screenshot

Instazood is another service that offers auto-likes, follows, and engagement. Like many of these tools, it has an Instagram scheduler as well.

Instazood also lets you send an automated welcome message to new followers. While this isn’t a bad strategy, it can come off as pushy if your followers aren’t expecting it. Also, Instazood only lets you input one or two pre-set messages.

With MobileMonkey’s Instagram Automated Welcome Message, your account only messages followers after they message you first. 

Also, you can build out an entire conversation instead of just one message. 

Instazood’s Instagram bot starts at $11.99/month.

11. MaherGram

MaherGram homepage screenshot

MaherGram offers auto-likes, auto-following, and Instagram post scheduling. It allows you to like and follow specific hashtags, places, and people to curate your feed.

It also offers an auto-repost feature. This means it takes posts from other Instagram accounts and posts them to your own. 

Be careful with this, as many Instagram communities (especially the art community) see reposting as theft. This can seriously damage your online reputation.

MaherGram’s Basic tier starts at $39/month. 

12. Jarvee 

Jarvee homepage screenshot

Jarvee advertises itself as a full social media team…made entirely of robots. It takes care of your post schedule, follows, follow-backs, unfollows, and likes.

Like MaherGram, Jarvee has an auto-repost function. As we’ve already mentioned, be careful with this to protect your online reputation.

Jarvee’s Starter tier is $29.95/month. 

13. InstaCaptain 

InstaCaptain homepage screenshot

InstaCaptain lets you specify a niche for it to target with auto-likes and auto-follows. It boasts technology that gets around Instagram’s bot activity filters.

See, Instagram isn’t a huge fan of bot activity, so it blocks abnormal amounts of activity coming from desktop computers. InstaCaptain gets around this by working directly from the mobile app.

Any tool that depends on dodging rules will only work until Instagram catches up to them, so be aware that tools like InstaCaptain may not be a long term solution.

InstaCaptain’s Lite Pack starts at $22.99/month.

14. Ektora

Ektora homepage screenshot

Ektora interacts with thousands of Instagram accounts every day to increase your following. 

Unlike many auto-like and auto-follow tools, it has an impressive number of big-name users. This includes companies like Medium and Slack. 

For this reason, Ektora’s services cost $99/month. You can add more profiles to your plan for an extra $29/month.

15. Kenji 

Kenji homepage screenshot

With Kenji, you show the bot what types of profiles you want to follow. Then, it follows and likes similar accounts to boost your engagement. 

Kenji uses machine learning to predict who is likely to follow you, based on similar interests. Like Ektora, it boasts several big-name users, including Huffpost and Social Media Explorer.

Kenji’s Simple plan starts at $49/month.

16. SocialBuddy 

SocialBuddy homepage screenshot

SocialBuddy helps you interact with your target audience. Their bots engage with accounts similar to yours, get the attention of influencers in your niche, target your competitors’ followers, and more.

SocialBuddy’s monthly pricing plan starts at $99/month.

17. Firing Table 

Firing Table homepage screenshot

Like many of its competitors, Firing Table offers to get you real followers by engaging with targeted users. However, their site doesn’t make it clear how they do this.

Firing Table charger per week instead of per month. Their lowest tier starts at $29.95/week. 

18. Kicksta 

Kicksta homepage screenshot]

Kicksta is one of the most well-known AI tools for growing your Instagram account. 

Unlike its competitors, Kicksta does not follow/unfollow accounts or leave auto comments. Instead, it focuses on liking accounts within your target audience.

Kicksta and MobileMonkey are some of the only tools on this list to officially partner with Instagram. That means when you use these services, you don’t run the risk of violating Instagram’s Terms of Service.

If you’re looking for AI to grow your following, Kicksta isn’t a bad place to start. After that, though, you’ll want a tool to keep up high levels of engagement with your followers. MobileMonkey can help with that.

Kicksta’s Standard Plan starts at $49/month. Their Premium Plan is currently listed at $99/month. 

Instagram management services

The truth is that the Instagram algorithm (and real Instagram users) are getting better and better at recognizing bot activity.

So, some services offer you real human assistance to grow your account instead! 

19. Growthoid

Growthoid homepage screenshot

Growthoid gets its users organic growth by assigning you a dedicated account manager. You can pick what types of accounts you want to target, and Growthoid’s team engages with them for you.

Since you’re hiring real actual humans here, expect to pay accordingly. Still, Growthoid costs less than some of the bot tools on this list.

As of writing this post, Growthoid’s Standard Plan is listed at $49/month. Its Premium plan, which includes customer support and advanced targeting, is currently listed at $99/month.

20. Social Flight 

Social Flight homepage screenshot

Social Flight offers a personal Social Media Manager to grow your Instagram. You also get a dedicated U.S. based account manager. 

By using this tool, you get a team of social media marketers that engages with your target audience for you.

Their Instagram services start at $99/month. 

21. Ampfluence

Ampfluence homepage screenshot

Ampfluence is a 100% human-powered Instagram growth service. They offer professional consultation, audience targeting, and growth. 

This tool doesn’t use any bots or automation to grow your following. They’re a professional Instagram consulting agency, and their rates reflect that.

The lowest pricing tier at Ampfluence is $249/month.

The truth is, liking and following other people’s accounts can only get you so far. 

True Instagram growth comes from creating valuable content — lots of it. 

These tools help you figure out what content to make, how to make it better, and how to get your content noticed…without resorting to spammy tactics. 

22. Hashtagsforlikes 

Hashtagsforlikes homepage screenshot

Hashtagsforlikes does what it says on the tin. By helping you find the perfect hashtags to target, this tool inspires you to create relevant content that your ideal audience is already searching for!

You can also target your audience, measure results, and boost your engagement rate.

Hashtagsforlikes starts at $19/week. 

23. Invideo

Invideo homepage screenshot

If you want to create eye-catching Instagram ads, Invideo is the tool for you. 

It has thousands of flexible video templates you can use! This includes Instagram ad templates, but it also has options for YouTube and Facebook.

Invideo’s subscription plan starts at $15/month.

24. trendHERO

trendHERO homepage screenshot

Partnering with Instagram influencers is a highly effective way to get your brand noticed. But how do you know who to partner with?

trendHERO simplifies the search for the perfect influencer by analyzing accounts for quality.

(And surprise! One of the red flags they look for is fake followers. That’s another reason to be wary of accounts that promise to get you a certain number of followers within a few days.)

trendHERO has a Free plan with a few basic functions. Its paid plans start at $15.99/month.

25. Ninja Outreach

Ninja Outreach homepage screenshot

Like trendHERO, Ninja Outreach helps you connect with influencers who would be a great fit for your brand. It filters through influencers’ analytics to find someone who shares your target audience! 

Then, Ninja Outreach puts you in touch with these influencers by helping you find their profiles and emails.

Ninja Outreach’s services start at $189/month.

26. Social Blade 

Social Blade homepage screenshot

Social Blade tracks user statistics for YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, and Twitter.

You can use Social Blade’s tools to look up anyone, including yourself, so it has multiple benefits. Use it to analyze your own audience, look up competitors, or figure out if an influencer is a good fit for your brand. 

Social Blade is free to use, but they also offer premium membership tiers. 

Pricing ranges from the Bronze tier at $3.99/month, all the way to the Platinum tier, which costs $99.99/month. 

27. Crello

Crello homepage screenshot

Crello is a graphics creation tool. It has templates for Instagram posts, videos, and Stories, meaning you’ll never upload an awkwardly-formatted picture again.

Crello’s Starter plan is free, but you can upgrade to the Pro plan for $7.99/month. 

28. HypeAuditor 

HypeAuditor homepage screenshot

HypeAuditor is an in-depth analytical platform to help you get fraud-free influencer marketing.

If you’re looking for a tool that can thoroughly vet and measure influencers, HypeAuditor’s got the power you need.

(And if you are an influencer, know that brands are using tools like HypeAuditor to determine the quality of your following!)

HypeAuditor’s services start at $299/month.

29. Iconosquare

Iconosquare homepage screenshot

Iconosquare is an analytics tool for Instagram that helps you figure out what’s already working for you. That way, you can refine your strategy and provide even more high quality content in the future.

And as we all know, consistent quality content equals growth. 

Iconosquare offers a 14-day free trial. After that, its paid plans start at $49/month.

30. Crowdfire

Crowdfire homepage screenshot

Crowdfire takes a unique approach to Instagram social media management. It helps you discover articles and images that will catch the eye of your target audience.

That means you can turn to Crowdfire to find ideas about what to post. It takes some of the pressure off content creation. And it lets you pre-schedule posts as well!

You can try Crowdfire out with its free plan. After that, paid plans start at $7.48/month.

What is the best way to grow my Instagram account?

The single best way to grow your Instagram account is good content, plain and simple.

Creating good content is hard, so it’s easy to see why sites that sell followers have a strong appeal. 

That said, buying followers puts you in an awkward position. At best, these people hardly know who you are. At worst, they’re actually bot accounts, and they’ll badly hurt your online reputation.

Automation is a great time-saver so you can focus on creating that awesome content. Just make sure that the automation you use is focused on giving your followers a great brand experience — not spamming people or pretending to be human.

And of course, after you start building your following, you need to make sure you’re handling day-to-day engagement like comments and direct messages. 

Rather than doing all that yourself (or hiring a ton of VAs), MobileMonkey can help you get comments, answer direct messages, and guide your followers into your marketing funnels.

Since our Instagram-approved engagement tools are now in beta, now is a great time to check them out!


Get more Instagram followers with new tools for influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses. Sign up to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

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