Thursday 20 May 2021

How to Get More Shares on Instagram with Official DM Automation Tools

Before I get to my secrets on how to get more shares on Instagram, I want to introduce you to a brand new tool for Instagram and to fully understand why it works so well.

We’ve all heard that acquiring a new customer can be as much as 25x more expensive than keeping the customers you already have. Yet, most businesses spend the majority of their effort on finding new customers. 

It’s time to flip that!

Knowing how to incentivize and reward your customers for engaging with or sharing your content on Instagram can turn a loyal follower base into your biggest revenue generator.  

And with the right tools and information, you can:

  • See who your best Instagram followers are.
  • Test different incentives to share your content and mention your brand.
  • And encourage followers to share your content more often.

So, just as it’s important to keep your already paying customers happy, the same principle applies to how to get more shares on Instagram. 

Now, ask yourself, “What are you doing to capitalize on each and every share of your content or mention of your brand on Instagram?” 

If you’re not doing anything, you’re definitely not alone. Most people don’t even know how to see who shared your post on Instagram, let alone have campaigns in place to engage with the followers that do.

Today, I’m going to share with you a new tool that’s virtually guaranteed to skyrocket the number of shares you’re currently getting on Instagram. Not only that, this tool also automatically engages with the people that share your content.

Let’s start by introducing you to that tool right now.

Incentivize More Shares with Automated Replies to Instagram Story Mentions

The Instagram Story Mentions tool, by MobileMonkey, is an excellent new tool for brands, influencers, and creators on Instagram.

Here’s how it works: If someone shares your post as an Instagram Story, or if someone tags you in their Instagram Story, this tool will automatically send that person a direct message.

Take the Instagram carousel post below for example. If you scroll through it, you’ll see that the topic is the same tool we’re currently discussing. 

Then, on the final slide, there’s a call to action that none of you have probably ever seen on Instagram:

Test it out for yourself by sharing the post as an Instagram Story, if you haven’t already. All you have to do is click the share button, choose to share it as a Story, and when you publish the Story, you’ll instantly receive a direct message) notification.

Don’t want to share this post? No problem! You can still trigger and see how the Story Mentions tool works by tagging @kim_larry in your next Instagram Story.


Get more Instagram followers with new tools for influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses. Sign up to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

How to get more shares on Instagram with the Instagram Story Mentions tool

Exactly what to use the Story Mentions tool for is limited mostly by your imagination. However, the most obvious use case is to thank people that mention you in their Instagram stories. 

The phrase that keeps coming to mind for me when thinking about this tool and the other new DM automation tools, for that matter, is “instant gratification.”

Within moments of sharing, your most engaged followers and fans are satisfied and encouraged to engage with your content even more in the future.

All you need to do is create a message that you’d like to send to anyone who tags or mentions your Instagram handle in their Instagram story. Then, flip this tool on (also in MobileMonkey) and you’re ready to surprise, as well as delight your most engaged followers!

Instagram Story Mentions Tool by MobileMonkey

The best opportunities I see here for marketing professionals, other than a ‘thank you for sharing’ note:

  • Get more content shares: Use it as an incentive to share your content. For example, make the CTA on your posts to share it in return for an instant reward. That’s guaranteed to result in more shares than your average post, and your followers and fans are going to love whatever you surprise them with immediately after they hit the share button.
  • Promotional offers: Reward people for sharing by sending a link to your latest promotional offer(s). Whether that’s a discount, coupon, or other marketing campaign, it’s a great idea.
  • Promote your most important campaigns: Have a big event or new product launch coming up? Make sure your most valuable followers on Instagram know about it.

Story Mentions can be a powerful tool both for admired individuals and companies, as well as small businesses on Instagram to build closer connections with their fans. 

Don’t you think your posts would get more engagement if your CTA was, “Share this post to instantly receive a 10% discount” versus the completely played out, “Learn more by clicking the link in my bio”? I know I do.

Now, let’s get to work on improving your Instagram Story game with how to set up Instagram Story Mention auto-reply tools on Instagram step-by-step.

How to Set Up Auto-Replies to Instagram Story Mentions Step-By-Step

Automating replies to Instagram Story mentions efficiently increases your engagement and brand loyalty while simultaneously driving traffic to your marketing funnels with the ability to add a link to your auto-reply messages.

Step #1: Create your official Instagram Automation Tools account and sign in

If you’re not yet signed up for Instagram automated messages, the time to do so is now.

✅ Get early access to Instagram automated messages by MobileMonkey.


Get more Instagram followers with new tools for influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses. Sign up to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

Step #2: Connect your Instagram account to MobileMonkey

Once you’ve logged in to the MobileMonkey dashboard, you will see an overview that includes metrics of all your messaging channels.

The account pictured here is already connected, but you would click the button under Instagram in the far right square.

Step 2: Connect MobileMonkey

Step 3: Use the chatbot builder to create your automated reply to Story mentions

Click on the “Chatbot” dropdown menu inside the MobileMonkey platform. 

Step 3: Chatbot Builder

Next, click “Chat Starters” and “Instagram Story Mentions Tool.”

how to get more shares on Instagram: Instagram Story Mentions tool

And finally, click the “Create Instagram Story Mention” button to start the Instagram chatbot dialogue wizard.

how to get more shares on Instagram: MobileMonkey

Scroll down from the above screen until you reach the drag-and-drop widgets in the Instagram chatbot builder. Add new widgets by selecting the +Add widget button.

get more Instagram shares

From here, you can expand the +Add widget menu for more customization options for your Instagram Story Mentions Auto-Reply dialogue, including lead capture forms, multiple-choice questions, integrations with Zapier, and more.

chatbot builder

Tag @kim_larry in your own Instagram Story to see a live example of how the Instagram Story Mentions auto-responder works!

In review: What is the Instagram Auto-Reply feature? With new official Instagram automation tools, you can instantly send a custom automated DM reply or thank you to every Instagram mention of your business or brand.

The Instagram Story Mentions tool is by far the best tool on Instagram regarding how to get more shares on Instagram. Get your hands on this new, 100% Instagram-approved engagement tool!

✅ Get early access to Instagram automated messages by MobileMonkey.

Why Marketers Should Be Using Automatic Replies to Instagram Story Mentions

Beyond the instant gratification received by your fans for sharing, individual influencers and creators, as well as companies on Instagram, can now instantly send exclusive offers to their most engaged followers, drive traffic to landing pages, encourage additional sharing of their content, and more.

Instagram, the visual-forward platform wasn’t designed initially with direct messaging to scale in mind. Fortunately, the powers that be have taken notice. 

“Private messaging, ephemeral stories, and small groups are by far the fastest-growing areas of online communication.”  

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook

The increased demand and focus on messaging resulted in Instagram DM and Messenger merging during a significant Instagram API update in October 2020. Soon after, in February of 2021, the official Instagram automation tools were released in partnership with MobileMonkey, the popular omni-channel messaging automation platform.

Instagram Stories continue to drive the most engagement for businesses and brands in 2021, and one-third of the most viewed IG Stories come directly from business accounts (Instagram).

New Instagram automation features inherently enable new avenues and tools for social media marketers. I’ll cover some of these hidden gems, such as new ways to share a link via Instagram Story.

How to Get More Shares on Instagram: Important Next Steps

Instagram accounts that use MoibileMonkey’s Instagram marketing tools, will generate automated activity and interactions which are perceived as entirely organic. And because you’re able to generate organic engagement at scale, this translates into a huge increase in genuine followers.

Best of all, with MobileMonkey, you’ll be working with 100% Instagram-approved engagement tools.

The proof is in the numbers. 75% of consumers also prefer to engage with brands using private messaging channels vs traditional channels.

✅ Get early access to Instagram messaging tools.


Are you looking for an edge on Instagram? Influencers, artists, brands and D2C businesses, you may qualify to be the first to use tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

Get Early Access

  • Create your first chatbot today after you sign-up for MobileMonkey.
  • Talk and learn about chatbots with other enthusiasts. Join MobileMonkey Island, our Facebook group of 40K marketers and entrepreneurs who are ready to support you.
  • Advance your marketing performance with Chatbot University, a free chatbot tutorial and training area for chat marketers.


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