Wednesday 21 April 2021

Digital Lending Made Easy with Mortgage Chatbots | by Haptik | Apr, 2021


In the past decade, almost all tasks related to transactions involved paperwork in some way or the other. Due to the evolution of digital technology, the scenario has changed. The latter dominates the majority of the tasks these days.

Transforming the mor tgaging process aside, the penetration of digital technology in the process has also raised the bar for customers’ expectations.

Better output with minimal effort is one of the notable highlights of digital lending. As regards the process, it has become as easy for buyers as buying an item from an online store. It makes use of chatbots which comes in handy to simplify many operations.

Going by statistical figures, 80% of businesses would use chatbots, and 85% of customers would interact with interactive voice response (IVR) technology . These figures explain which digital lending transactions are under the spotlight.

Plus, these stats also highlight the bright prospects of mortgage chatbots in digital lending. The introduction to mortgage chatbots in digital lending has helped highlight the role of automation.

Automation powers chatbots and simplifies digital-lending-related tasks in several ways. Read on to find them out in the article.

Learn how AI Chatbot will transform the Mortgage Industry in 2021

When it comes to mortgages, digital chatbots make use of artificial intelligence (AI) to answer questions and perform other tasks like verification of digital documents. Such tasks, in general, necessitate data sifting. The automation technology of chatbots is the best way to sift through large chunks of data, especially when you need to do so within a few seconds.

Above everything else, most digital lenders think about using chatbots for their seamless interaction. This, in turn, leads to two additional benefits: it minimizes the operational costs on one hand, and it boosts sales on the other.

The predominance of the AI component of chatbots is visible in the current customer service of digital lenders. Apart from refining customer service in lending, it has also helped redefine it.

Among other things, the digital interactions with chatbots give providers an option to offer round-the-clock solutions to their customers for some common issues. This arrangement suffices to offer reliable solutions to the majority of customer issues at the basic level.

1. Chatbot Trends Report 2021

2. 4 DO’s and 3 DON’Ts for Training a Chatbot NLP Model

3. Concierge Bot: Handle Multiple Chatbots from One Chat Screen

4. An expert system: Conversational AI Vs Chatbots

Besides, carrying large piles of documents leads to inconvenience. It was a feasible option until a few years ago but it has become obsolete now.

Digital mortgage applications such as chatbots have helped eliminate this requirement. Instead of asking the customers to carry the hard copies of relevant documents, most providers look for the necessary information from aggregators and third-party providers through chatbots.

Apart from collecting information, help both lenders and their customers in storing information in the digital space without any inconvenience.

Not only this, but it also gives lenders full control to perform tasks related to compliance and auditing.

Here’s a ready-to-deploy Smart skill that will help users upload their documents required to process their request:

Next, these bots look for the important information as necessitated by a lender. These include a customer’s name, their remuneration, the name of the employer under whom they are working, and so on.

In case of unavailability of an important detail or multiple details, mortgage bots raise a flag. They may also do so if the documents are inconsistent or do not match. This helps a lender verify if a customer has submitted the authentic copies of documents as per the requirements to process their digital lending application.

After the process of reconciliation, mortgage bots take the next action depending on the outcome. If the documents provided match all the requirements, these bots notify the customer that their application process is complete.

In general, these tasks can be time-taking or tedious if done by human effort. Because these tasks are repetitive by nature, these tasks oftentimes lead to boredom. However, mortgage bots work diligently to accomplish these tasks and deliver the desired outcomes in quick time.

Mortgage bots play an important role in protecting communication and documents from prying eyes. As a result, both the lender and the borrower find the whole process safe. What makes it possible for a bot to achieve this objective is the integration of a centralized authentication system with digital lending solutions.

The addition of a security layer to the whole process of digital lending by mortgage bots makes a vital contribution to ensure transparency. In a way, it helps reduce the possibility of financial fraud which prevents the likelihood of lenders or borrowers suffering a loss.

For instance, the eligibility of a person who applies for a loan is an important requirement. Every lender has some criteria. A borrower must meet the requirement of the lender for the successful processing of their loan application. Considering the variety of offers and schemes that lenders provide to their customers these days, it can put both the former and the latter at a disadvantage. Mortgage bots play a vital role in forming the decision-making process for customers.

Identifying the best offers for a specific customer can be a tedious process for a lender. As is the case with commercial lending, this practice can necessitate a long duration of time for mortgage loans too.

Among other things, mortgage bots present the best offers and schemes to customers. They do it considering all the eligibility criteria of customers.

This helps the relevant customers in making quick decisions on whether they are interested in taking a loan offer from a lender.

Browsing through several offers from a lender can be monotonous. Nine out of ten times, customers are frustrated looking for the best offer. This can have a negative influence on their outcome to apply for a loan.

They are more likely to choose a loan offer if they find its important details at their fingertips. This is precisely where mortgage bots come into the picture. These bots showcase the best offers to customers corresponding to their requirements and eligibility criteria.

With chatbots, it becomes easy to classify and split documents into different file structures. They use machine learning algorithms and data mining to conclude this process.

This whole process eases the lenders to distribute documents into different categories. Based on it, they prescribe the best loan offers to customers.

Thus, the whole process of presenting relevant offers to customers becomes streamlined. It goes on to help lenders in getting the best response from their customers and also in closing more digital lending deals at the subsequent stages.

Here’s an expert guide on Implementing Conversational AI for Financial Services

Professionals, on the other hand, have a fixed timing of their duty hours. If a customer drops an email or details the number outside the duty hours, it will not be immediately entertained.

Besides, chatbots have an edge over human professionals because they have a ready-made answer for each query. Because it uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze data, it becomes more efficient in providing solutions without taking a lot of time.

Meeting an in-person agent not only proves to be a time-consuming practice but also delays or slows down the process due to discussion-related concerns. However, mortgage chatbots reduce the possibility of delays, particularly with the challenges linked to the clearance of documentation.

Together with the concept of digital lending, mortgage chatbots provide a viable solution to beat the challenge. It eliminates the role of paperwork which constitutes the root cause of the problem.

By adding mobile capability and using the power of the Internet, it reduces the existing friction in the financing process. These attributes make electronic closing a simple and straightforward process.

Other than electronic closure, mortgage chatbots also make another key contribution to the efforts of lenders. They help lenders evaluate the transaction history of customers to facilitate the approval of the lending application request of borrowers.

Learn more: 9 Best Chatbots in the Financial Services Industry

Though mortgage chatbots are the best option for digital lending, their best is yet to come. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and digital technology, you can expect many more innovations and advancements in the coming years.

Keeping the aforementioned benefits of mortgage chatbots in digital lending, both lenders and customers should think of using them to reduce time and effort in processing digital mortgage loans. This can go a long way toward making the whole process transparent and efficient for lenders. Also, it can help with shaping up and improving the digital lending experience for borrowers.


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